Sure doesn’t feel like the first part of May with snow on the ground and cold temps! Snow on May 1st sticking around until Monday May 2nd. Enough for a little glide and May skiing!! The frost is out of the ground and the warm sun and temps will melt off the snow today and hopefully the woods can resume the transition to more green. The ice went off the lake last week and the loons and other waterfowl have been busy on the lake. Water table are at a all time record high and many low areas under water and sloughs and ponds that have been sometimes dry are to maximum capacity. We do have the mountain bike trails open but still have trees to clear and signs to put out . It is interesting moving through the woods with motorized equipment so taking a bit longer to clear the trees. If you do ride, please exercise caution. The new Twin Lakes singletrack is open and can be accessed via the Twin Lakes ski trail off the Maplelag driveway. We had a couple riders out on Monday and reported a nice ride. The trails are closed to horses and motorized equipment.