Great weekend of skiing on tap after daily grooming and a few light dustings of snow this week. This morning we will have a low key HS race from 10am to 11am on Skaters Waltz. All trails open all day! No reason not to ski.
We have been grooming daily and all 64km of trail. Currently we have 34km of trail tracked for classic and 15km open for skating. All other trails are open for 15km of no track classic skiing. 4km of bushwhacking/adventure skiing with a skier made track (Lucky’s Loype) Thursday we packed Bootleg extension loop using Bullhead lake as an access point. Once we get a few more inches to track Bootleg, we will track a loop around the lake. Currently the lake is tracked across the lake.
Tracks are set on Sap Run, JibFly, Sukkerbusk, Mother Hen, Poki Loki, Loon Return, Rootin Tootin, Wavy Gravy, Mother North Star, Twin Lakes and North Loup. Please do not skate on trails packed for classic.Skating on Skaters Waltz and the extension loops and North Loup only. Top choices for classic skiing are Rootin Tootin and North Loup.
Early season conditions, the base is still thin watch for rough spots, areas of thin cover and unmarked obstacles but very skiable and reports from the skiers have been good.
The Brant cabin is open as a warming house. The main lounge area has a Kuerig for hot chocolate/coffe/tea and there are simple snacks available to purchase on honor system. The store will be open Saturday, January 20th from 11am to 1pm.