Trail Report

A great day for the Lotvola Cup. Felt more like mid February than early March! Light snow falling most of the day accumulating to a couple of inches. Temps in mid 20’s, light winds, doesn’t get much better. Thanks to everyone who came for the day to ski! Sukkerbusk and Sap Run groomed in the afternoon. We will be grooming select trails in the morning, grooming in the fresh snow that fell. Skiing is excellent.

Compacted base 8-10″. Snow depth in woods 1-2 feet. 100% open on 64km. 57 km tracked for classic, 13km groomed for skating.   Skaters Waltz/ extension, Suicide Hill and North Loup groomed for skating.  There is also a track set on North Loup for classic.

Total snowfall  this season has been 77″.  The trails are open for day skiing and the current fee is $15 to use the trails for the day.