Trail Report

Bit warmer day today with temp in upper single digits, light winds and sunshine making for a great day on the trails. Tracks set on Twin Lakes, Sap Run, Mother Hen, Sukkerbusk, Poki Loki and JibFly. Some sections the tracks are nice, other spots thin, down to the ground. With “rock” skis, classic is fair to good. Skating very good on Skaters Waltz and handful of folks hitting the trail this afternoon.  Great skiing for Thanksgiving. Some of the best conditions ever. Skaters Waltz in great shape for early season skiing. Packing on 53 of 64km of trails the past few days. Some trails in better shape than other but a fantastic start to the season. Lots of sticks to clear in some trails but we are working on the trails daily to put them in the best shape possible.  The compacted base is 1-3″ and total snowfall this week has been 8-11″.The trails are open for skiing at no charge. We have no lodging available at this time. Best skiing on Skaters Waltz, JibFly, Twin Lakes, Mother Hen, Sap Run and Sukerbusk. One low area to watch for on Sukkerbusk. We will groom again in the morning on Skaters Waltz, Rootin Tootin and Skaters extension.