Trail Report

Feels more like January 1st than March 1st today after dropping below 0 degrees this afternoon from a early morning high of 23. Strong nw wind as well making it feel even more awesome! Very light dusting of snow from the frontal passage.  Weather did not stop fresh grooming on Mother North Star, Sap Run and Skaters Waltz and skiers hitting the trail. Other trails are holding out well and in great shape. Little bit of organic matter from today’s wind but fantastic skiing on the trails and personally some of the best skiing of the year. The start area of Lotvola Cup groomed this morning as well with test tracks set. Final grooming will take place Saturday evening, most likely.

Compacted base 8-10″. Snow depth in woods 1-2 feet. 100% open on 64km. 57 km tracked for classic, 13km groomed for skating.   Skaters Waltz/ extension, Suicide Hill and North Loup groomed for skating.  There is also a track set on North Loup for classic.

Total snowfall  this season has been 75″.  The trails are open for day skiing and the current fee is $15 to use the trails for the day.