Trail Report

Another beautiful winter day on tap. Light dusting of snow today. The trails are in great shape and ski conditions are excellent. Touch up grooming planned on most of the system Thursday and Friday mornings. Overall tracks are in fantastic shape and skate deck on Skaters Waltz and the extension solid with adequate texture. Skaters Waltz groomed Wednesday afternoon. A few small areas of organic forest matter, typical this time of year with the intense sunshine and slow transition of seasons and a reminder we live in the deep woods.

We are very grateful for everyone that came this past President’s weekend and proud of everyone who was out skiing. A positive mindset, good attitude and proper clothing, skiing in these temps no problem. It is a different sensation to complete a successful ski in this weather and a unique feeling of accomplishment. We learned many things from this weekend moving forward for next season as far as reservations, deposits and cold weather management.

With a lower snow year, there are tracks and signs of wildlife everywhere. A few more porcupines visible from the trails. The local fox has been sighted by skiers which is neat to hear after seeing it on the trails cams the past month. It has been sighted near the end of Mother North Star trail. Porcupines have been sighted off Mother North Star and Roy’s Run trails, about 1/3rd the way in on both trails. Lots of other tracks including deer, wolf, coyote, pine marten, fox, and beaver to name a few. Also look for the new and active eagle nest at the start of Island Lake trail. You can also see the nest at the top of “eagle view” at the top of the last downhill on Twin Lakes trail. Many birds also to keep an eye for including the swooping pileated woodpecker.

Trails are open for day use. All day and season passes for non overnight guests must be purchased online through the website. (click here)

Note: Please do not snowshoe or walk on ski or fat bike trails. Thank you! We have designated snowshoe trails for snowshoeing and walking. We take pride in having as “clean” as possible ski and fat bike trails.

Select singletrack loops groomed for fat biking totaling 25km. Report on the Fat Bike trail report.

Lotvola Cup is Back! Click here for more details.

All day and season passes for non overnight guests must be purchased online through the website.(click here) Parking in first parking lot as you enter Maplelag. Click here for trail map. There are no services in the main lodge. No ski rental available at this time.

Trails groomed for double track include Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, JibFly, North Loup, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star, and Mother Hen.

Trails groomed for singletrack classic skiing include Wavy Gravy, Island Lake, Bootleg extension/second half of Bullhead lake trail, and Roy’s Run.

Skate trails groomed include Skaters Waltz, Suicide Hill, Single Green, Krisitin’s Kutoff, and Skaters Extension.

Adventure trails: First part of Bullhead and Lucky’s are not machine groomed and are “adventure” ski trails with skier made track. Bootleg extension is now groomed. The north end is has a few rough spots but passable. The first part of Bullhead remains an adventure trail.

Please no snowshoeing or walking on ski and fat bike trails.

Total new snowfall past 24 hours, trace. Snowfall past 29 days around 22″. Total snowfall on season 34″ (since October 14th) Compacted base on trail 4-8″.

Snowshoe trail is open for snowshoeing. Please no hiking or walking on the ski trails!

First part of Bullhead Lake and Lucky’s Loype that traverse on AMA land not groomed. Use caution as unmarked obstacles etc. may exist.

Please note the lodge will be closed to day skiers as a result of COVID-19 precautions. This includes no ski rental availability. Porta bathrooms in far parking lot. Please help keep Maplelag open by limiting inside use.

Rootin Tootin ski trail, February 17th, 2021.
Skaters Waltz extension skiing very nice, February 17th, 2021.
Sunset over Island Lake trail, February 15th, 2021. Singletrack classic trails holding great form.
Presidents Day morning skier, February 15th, 2021. Another day of double digit sub zero temps. Dry air, low AQI, no wind and brilliant sunshine making it feel much warmer and another great day on the trails.
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Frosty skiers! February 14th, 2021.
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Skaters Waltz firm and relatively fast considering the cold snow temps, February 14th, 2021.
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Striding through Twin Lakes, February 13th, 2021.
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Afternoon skier on Mother North Star, February 13th, 2021.
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Pushing through on Roy’s Run, February 13th, 2021.
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Cold weather no problem, with good attitude, positive mindset and proper clothing, February 13th, 2021.
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Sukkerbusk striders, February 13th, 2021.
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Heading out for a afternoon ski, February 21st, 2021.
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Pole and Go! February 13th, 2021.
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“Beautiful day to ski!” February 13th, 2021.
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“Mom, I was too warm!” February 13th, 2021.
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Morning skiers on Sap Run, February 12th, 2021. Cold temps but no wind, sunshine and great conditions making fora nice morning!
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Afternoon grooming on Skaters Waltz, February 12th, 2021.
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Lucky’s Loype, February 12th, 2021. Skier made track. Slower conditions and a good short trail to ski when cooler. (Intermediate to advanced trail.)
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Braving the brisk weather and enjoying the great conditions! February 11th, 2021.
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Setting new track on Sukkerbusk start segment, February 11th, 2021.
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Grooming bypass for JibFly, February 11th, 2021. Using bypass makes for a nice short loop option to ski with the cooler temps.
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Enjoying the double track on North Loup February 10th, 2021. For classic lovers, this trails skis much better when set “best line”!
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Twin Lakes, February 10th, 2021. Left track a bit slower, groomed over weekend. Right track a bit faster, groomed 2.9.21.
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Wolf scat on Wavy Gravy, February 10th, 2021. The wolf had come off the field before the trail turns south and walked on the trail until Island. Had a bathroom break then went across Island Lake…..