Trails are now closed until Thanksgiving week. We close the trails for the safety of the guests and out of respect of local landowners during deer hunting season which is going on now until Thanksgiving week. We are fine tuning on the trails near the lodge as we are in the final stage of trail work. All the leaves are down for the most part and we are clearing the main trails for the first snowfalls and early season skiing.
One of the coldest and snowiest first halves of October on record. Out of the first 15 days of October there was at least a trace of snow seven of those days and temps running 10-12 degrees below average. Total snowfall in October was 4-6″. We even got out grooming and skiing a few of the days. Overall October of 2018 one of the coldest on record
Mountain bike trails closed until Thanksgiving week when we will open again for the winter/fat bike season. We will begin grooming as soon as there is enough snow and cold weather to follow. Click on the bike trail report for latest update and photos.
The trails are closed to horses and motorized traffic.
Group of riders enjoying closing day on the mountain bike course, October 28th, 2019.Sukkerbusk ski trail, October 27th, 2018.Fall grooming on Skaters Waltz, October 23rd, 2018.Tamarack trees in peak. October 18th, 2018.
Trail tuning on Sukkerbusk, October 18th, 2018.Eagle view on Twin Lakes trail. October 17th, 2018.Island Lake trail, October 17th, 2018.Clearing leaves on Sukkebusk, October 17th, 2018.Clearing deadfall, Sukkerbusk ski trail in the skinny field. October 17th, 2018.Sukkerbusk ski trail cleared! October 17th, 2018.View of Bulhead lake, morning sun highlighting tamarack trees on north end. October 15th, 2018.
Sukkerbusk ski trail, October 15th, 2018.Suicide Hill, October 15th, 2018.October 15th, 2018.Despite recent wet weather, riding has been good on the mountain bike course. October 14th, 2018.Twin Lakes ski trail, October 12th, 2018.Great to see the sun and blue sky! Fall and winter scene. October 12th, 2018.JibFly field, October 12th, 2018.Sod Roof cabin, October 12th, 2018.Island Lake frozen over completely, October 12th, 2018.Navigating frozen waters, October 12th, 2018.First grooming of the year, Suicide Hill October 11th, 2018.Checking out the grooming! October 11th, 2018.Autumn and winter scene. October 11th, 2018.Dusting of wet snow as seen lakeside near Sod Roof cabin, October 10th, 2018.Skaters Waltz ski trail, October 10th, 2018.Lucky’s Loype ski trail, October 10th, 2018.Sukkerbusk ski trail, October 8th, 2018.Singletrack after fresh clearing, October 6th, 2018.Wintry weather continues. Another light dusting of scattering lingering flurries! October 6th, 2018,Fall/winter scene on Sukkerbusk! October 5th, 2018.Skiing through the skinny field, October 5th, 2018.Skinny field, October 5th, 2018.
Branches over on Rootin Tootin from wet snow. Should rebound completely after a day or two. October 5th, 2018.Frosty scene at Twin Lakes crossing, October 4th, 2018.Start of JibFly ski trail, October 4th, 2018.Frost coating at the trail head, October 4th, 2018.Great to see the sun today! Maplelag driveway, October 4th, 2018.
Sun filtering through the colorful maples on Twin Lakes, October 4th, 2018.Clearing on Sukkerbusk, October 2nd, 2018.One of the cabooses surrounded in fall color, October 2nd, 2018.Toot and Toot bypass, October 2nd, 2018.Skaters Waltz extension, October 2nd, 2018.Mother North Star Ski trail, October 2nd, 2018.Bullhead Lake, October 2nd, 2018.Singletrack after clearing, October 2nd, 2018. Leaves falling down continuously covering the surface but still great fall riding.Top of Suicide Hill, October 2nd, 2018.Sukkerbusk ski trail, October 1st, 2018.Fall scene near the Sod Roof cabin, September 26th, 2018.
Fall color along Maplelag driveway. September 27th, 2018.Fall color along Maplelag driveway. September 27th, 2018.Fall color along Maplelag driveway. September 27th, 2018.Fall color along Maplelag driveway. September 27th, 2018.Fall color scene in front of main lodge. September 27th, 2018.Fall scene as seen through the dining room windows. September 25th, 2018.Fall scene near Finish Log and Sava Sauna cabins, September 25th, 2018.Fall grooming on Skaters Waltz, September 25th, 2018.Fall grooming on Skaters Waltz, September 25th, 2018.Fall color scene lakeside of main lodge, September 24th, 2018.Twin Lakes ski trail, September 23rd, 2018.Sunrise at Island Lake, September 22nd, 2018.Fall colors along forest road north of Maplelag, September 22nd, 2018.Fall colors as seen looking down Maplelag driveway, September 22nd, 2018.Fall colors as seen looking down Maplelag driveway, September 22nd, 2018.Skaters Waltz ski trail, September 22nd, 2018.Start of Roy’s Run and North Loup ski trails. September 19th, 2018.September sunset, September 19th, 2019.Scattered leaves on the trails, September 14th, 2018.Fall color in front of the lodge lakeside. September 14th, 2018.Top of maple trees displaying fall color, September 12th, 2018.Fall grooming on Sukkerbusk ski trail, leaves changing and falling already! September 11th, 2018.Fall grooming on Lucky’s Loype, September 11th, 2018.Fall color across from the Maplelag driveway near the start of North Loup ski trail. September 9th, 2018.Touch of color on top of maples near Red Caboose. September 9th, 2018.Early fall color as seen on Sukkerbusk ski trail, September 5th, 2018.Suicide Hill after fresh mowing, August 13th, 2018.Early signs of fall from poplar tree. August 13th, 2018.Acorns starting to fall, August 13th, 2018.Early fall color near the Brant cabin, August 13th, 2018.Wood for the sauna! August 8th, 2018.Singletrack tuning, August 7th, 2018.Orange sulfur shelf fungi on side of trail. August 7th, 2018.Hauling a deadfall birch out for sauna firewood. August 5th, 2018.
Clearing oak deadfall off Skaters Waltz, August 8th, 2018.Lush green on the ski trail forest floor, July 28th, 2019.Colorful ski after passing storm, July 23rd, 2018.Awesome evening paddleboard under rising moon. July 25th, 2018.Clearing deadfall off Lucky’s Loype ski trail. Typical summer of clearing. July 27th, 2018.Variety of mushrooms popping up on the forest floor. July 28th, 2018.
Tuning berm on the singletrack, July 27th, 2018.Another mowing on Suicide Hill. June 27th, 2018.Summer sunset, June 19th, 2018.Rootin Tootin ski trail after fresh mowing. We have been busy mowing the ski trails almost daily. June 19th, 2018.Mowing on Sukkerbusk ski trail. We have been mowing daily on the trails when dry. June 13th, 2018.Another great batch of pink slippers this year near Bullhead lake trail. June 19th, 2018.
Beautiful summer sunset, June 12th, 2018.Color in the woods! June 8th, 2018.
Trail run. June 8th, 2019.Bumblebee on wild raspberry, June 8th, 2018.Vibrant forest floor. June 8th, 2018.Columbine flowers in bloom, June 3rd, 2018.Beautiful evening on Little Sugarbush, May 30th, 2018.Yellow slippers blooming in recent days, May 27th, 2018.Sunset over Little Sugarbush, May 23rd, 2018.Spring clouds, May 13th, 2018.Peder rolling along Twin Lakes singletrack lakeside, May 18th, 2018. Great riding this spring.Wild flowers on the forest floor. May 13th, 2018.Marsh marigolds popping up in recent days. May 13th, 2018.Spring sunset, May 12th, 2018.Ski trails greening up and leaves starting to fill out on the trees. Sukkerbusk ski trail, May 11th, 2018.Blood root flowers emerging from the forest floor. May 9th, 2018.Turtles making a presence the past few days thanks to warmer temps. Snapping turtle crossing the road this afternoon, May 8th, 2018.Sukkerbusk ski trail, May 3rd, 2018.Pair of trumpeter swans on local slough. Many swans again this year and other species of waterfowl. April 27th, 2018.Snow cleared on mossy segment of Skaters Waltz. April 25th, 2018.Wild flowers popping up from the warm day on Monday, April 23rd, 2018.Clearing leaves from singletrack, April 23rd, 2018.Mountain bike singletrack drying out nicely after clearing, April 23rd, 2018. We hope to open the trails for mountain biking May 4th.One last ski, April 21st, 2018.
One more ski on North Loup, April 20th, 2018.Great early morning transition skiing on North Loup, April 19th, 2018.Great early morning transition skiing on North Loup,April 19th, 2018.Great early morning transition skiing on North Loup, April 19th, 2018.Outside of one south facing area, most of North Loup still holding excellent coverage, morning April 19th, 2018.Late afternoon ski on Sukkerbusk, April 18th, 2018.Grooming on Skaters Waltz, early evening April 18th, 2018.Grooming on North Loup, early evening April 18th, 2018.Grooming on North Loup, early evening April 18th, 2018.Late afternoon ski on Sukkerbusk, April 18th, 2018.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center