Select fat bike trails are open. We have groomed out a small loop consisting of SukkerWest, Winter Bjorps, North Star Extension, the first part of Twin Lakes ski trail than Hudson’s Hula loop on the Twin Lakes singletrack. This loop is open for riding when frozen. Forecast looks good this week for all day riding the whole week.
Today we are grooming the Bullhead Bootleg loop. Bullhead lake is frozen for access across the lake. There is around 5″ of ice. If not comfortable crossing the lake, use the normal access by taking Goat Ranch road to county 34 than access from highway.
Best way to pick up the current grooming is to head down the driveway and ride SukkerWest than follow the grooming back across the road to access Winter Bjorps than follow the grooming for the rest of the groomed trail. Part of the grooming follows along the ski trail.With the hardpack conditions on the ski trails, the skate loops Skaters Waltz, the extension loops and North Loup are open for riding making for around 30km of groomed riding options.