Trail Report

The trails are open for skiing.  Around an inch of new snow past 48 hours improving the conditions.  The base is rock solid between 2-4″ and a dusting of snow on top.

We combed all the inner trail and set a shallow track all the way around Sukkerbusk and few other segments on other trails Tuesday. Although the track is washed out in spots, the positive from the tracksetting was the base is rock hard and didn’t press to the ground . Just an inch or two of new snow on top of the current base will allow us to set track on trails like JibFly, Sukkerbusk, and Twin Lakes. With fresh snow, please do not skate on trails besides Skaters Waltz and North Loup. Good reports from skiers this week. Thanks for the reports.

Heads up for a few thin areas if venturing out but with a good attitude some great early season skiing to be had on about 25km of groomed trail at this time. No tracks set on than the shallow one on Sukkerbusk. Classic skiing doable on flat deck.  No guest services in lodge. Ski rentals, lunch with day pass, lodging and other services will begin mid December but the trails are open for day skiing only. Free will offering to use trails. Thanks and Just Ski!  With no recent significant snowfall, scattered leaves and other forest organic matter on ski trail deck but nothing to prevent a good ski. Thanks Denny for helping clip brush last week!

Recommended skiing on the “early season loop”. The loop starts on Sukkerbusk to the right and heads out towards the skinny field.  Take a right at the end of skinny field than follow cone markings at intersections.  Other trails are open and have been skiing on them but use caution if venturing out. Un marked obstacles exist, ski at own risk including oak leaves in some spots. If venturing off the early season loop, suggested to ski on Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, JibFly for classic skiing and North Loup and Skater Waltz for skating.

Total snowfall since November 1st around 8″ Total snowfall since October 1st around 16″. October snow melted off but currently the base from November snowfall 1-3″. The trails at Maplelag are maintained as such that we can have good skiing on less snow and we take pride in managing less snow.

Please no walking or hiking on ski or bike trails.

There is no lodging available or  guest services in the lodge at this time, no ski rental but trails open for skiing. Trail pass on donation basis for early season. Ski at own risk! Ski rentals and other services will be available mid December.

The Twin Lakes singletrack will be open for winter riding/fat biking once again this season. Most recent grooming November 21st. Click here for latest report and information.

We had a great fall of trail work clearing deadfall and blowing leaves off the trails right up until the snow last week.

Setting shallow track on Sukkerbusk. November 27th, 2018. Just a inch or two more we will be able to set a better track.
Combing the skate lane on Skaters Waltz, November 27th, 2018.
Combing the skate lane on Skaters Waltz, November 27th, 2018.
Fresh wolf track on Sukkerbusk, November 27th, 2018. With the dusting of snow on top of hard base, a great time to see a wide variety of tracks in the forest.
Grooming on Rootin Tootin. Like Mother North Start, there are still some rough spots and recommend skiing other trails until more snow but very skiable and folks have been skiing on the good segments.
Testing the track on Sukkerbusk at dusk. November 27th, 2018.We are excited to offer skin skis in the rental shop this year. Great skis for a variety of conditions.
Istvan enjoying the early season conditions. Thank for the report Istvan! November 26th, 2018.
Dusting of new snow making for nice skiing today. November 26th, 2018.
Returning to Maplelag via Sukkerbusk. Beauty day on the trails! November 26th, 2018.
Late afternoon grooming on the early season loop working in dusting of fluff earlier in the day. November 25th, 2018.
Members of the Moorhead Nordic Ski team at the top of Suicide Hill, November 24th ,2018.
Moorhead Nordic team drills to work on skills! November 24th, 2018.”Perfect conditions to work on becoming a better skier”!
Cruising on Twin Lakes. With the hardpack deck, all trails now open to both classic and skate skiing until more snow. November 24th, 2018.
Spidahl crew ready for a outing on the trails. November 24th, 2018. Be sure to check out their Nordic center gem in west central MN between Pelican Rapids and Fergus Falls MN.
Morning skiers, November 23rd, 2018. Good seeing all the high school kids out today.
Thanksgiving Skate Ski on North Loup, November 22nd, 2018.
Family ski, November 21st, 2018.
Denny heading out for another day clipping brush. Thanks Denny! November 21st, 2018.
Grooming on Skaters Waltz extension, November 21st, 2018.
Second pass on North Loup, flattening and combing the deck. November 20th, 2018.
Deadfall on North Loup ready to be cleared. Lots of deer tracks on North Loup! November 20th, 2018.
Combing in fresh snow on Skaters Waltz, November 19th, 2018.
Porcupine in tree on Twin Lakes trail, November 19th, 2018.
Combing fresh snow on Twin Lakes ski trail, November 19th, 2018.
Combing fresh snow on Twin Lakes at Sugar Creek crossing, November 19th, 2018.
Members of the Moorhead Nordic Ski team enjoying the early season snow for a morning of practice, November 17th, 2018.

Hill work on Suicide Hill. November 17th, 2018.

Moorhead Nordic working on ski skills. November 17th, 2018.
Peder Arneson on the early season loop, November 16th, 2018.
Combing Suicide Hill, November 16th, 2018.
Evening grooming at the start of Sap Run where we have solar lighting. November 15th, 2018.
Ben Melby out for a early season ski, November 15th, 2018.
Start of Sukkerbusk, late morning November 15th, 2018.
Top of Suicide Hill, November 15th, 2018.
Jonell enjoying ski at sunset. Despite temps near 40 yesterday, the snow held out fine and froze down overnight solidifying the base. A few oak leaves coming down a reminder it is mid November! November 14th, 2018.
Shoveling snow on a thin area. Best time to add snow to thin areas etc. is when the snow is damp/moist. When freezing down again it will set up harder. November 14th, 2018.
Packing out practice area at start of JibFly. North facing area should hold out just fine with any warm weather. November 13th, 2018.
Checking out base on Sukkerbusk, no track classic skiing, November 13th, 2018.
Roll packing on Twin Lakes at eagle nest, November 13th,2018.
Start of Twin Lakes singletrack. Open for fat biking! November 13th, 2018. (please no hiking/walking on bike trail or ski trails. Thanks!)
Denny Barry enjoying the early season conditions. November 12th, 2018.
Start of Sap Run ski trail, November 12th, 2018.
Sukkerbusk, November 12th, 2018.
Heading out for late afternoon groom/packing on the entire loops of JibFly, Sukkerbusk and entire Skaters Waltz. November 12th, 2018.
Sunday night grooming during another flurry of snow showers. November 11th, 2018.
Little Sugarbush (lake Maplelag shores) frozen over, November 10th, 2018.
Packing/grooming on JibFly before next round of snow. November 10th, 2018.
Grooming Friday morning after another dusting last night. November 9th, 2018.
Grooming Friday morning after another dusting last night. November 9th, 2018.
Rocks level to trail still not frozen and melting snow. One thing to watch out for early season skiing. November 9th, 2018.
Deck starting to firm up on early season loop. November 8th, 2018.
Deck starting to firm up on early season loop. November 8th, 2018.
Bear tracks at Twin Lakes crossing! November 8th, 2018.
Lakes and ponds starting to freeze over. South Twin Lake, November 8th, 2018.
Deck starting to firm up on early season loop. Skinny Field, November 8th, 2018.
View of Bullhead lake. Edges starting to freeze on calm areas. November 8th, 2018.
Grooming early season loop in skinny field, November 8th, 2018.
Grooming on Suicide Hill, November 8th, 2018.
Night ski on  checking out new solar lighting. We are planning to have a 1km loop lit for this upcoming season. November 8th, 2018.
Grooming early season loop, November 7th, 2018.
Measured snowfall in 24 hour period as of 12pm November 7th, 2018. Less snow accumulating on the trails with warm ground melting a inch or so.
Sukkerbusk ski trail, November 6th, 2018.
Coating of snow around the Coop cabin. November 6th, 2018.
JibFly ski trail with dusting of new snow. November 6th, 2018.
Deadfall cleared, cut and blocked off the ski trail. Firewood for the sauna and cabins with wood stoves. November 6th, 2018.
Slough near Mother North Star ski trail. November 6th, 2018.
Loon Return ski trail, November 6th, 2018.


Fall grooming on Skaters Waltz, October 23rd, 2018.
Trail tuning on Sukkerbusk, October 18th, 2018.
Tamarack trees in peak fall color. Only coniferous tree to lose its needles! October 18th, 2018.
Eagle view on Twin Lakes trail. October 17th, 2018.
Clearing deadfall, Sukkerbusk ski trail in the skinny field. October 17th, 2018.
Sukkerbusk ski trail cleared! October 17th, 2018.
Great to see the sun and blue sky….and a touch of snow! Fall and winter scene. October 15th, 2018.

Checking out the grooming! October 11th, 2018.
Skiing through the skinny field, first ski of the year October 5th, 2018.
First grooming of the year, Suicide Hill October 11th, 2018.