Trail Report

Winter wonderland conditions to start the day. Temps in the low 20’s with upper teens. Track set last night on Island, Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, Mother Hen. Track set this morning on Mother North Star, Rootin Tootin and Bullhead. All skate trails groomed last night as well.  Great day of skiing. Frosty conditions hanging on until after lunch, clearing with sunshine than clouding over again in the afternoon with temps below 32, keeping the snow dry.  Reports from the trail today all good and happy skiers enjoying winter!

The snow is holding out great and despite the low snow conditions, skiing is about as good as it gets. A few thin areas with some icy spots etc. here and there but overall, very nice skiing and springlike conditions basically.

We have been shoveling on thin areas this week to build up base for Section race course which will be held on Tuesday February 7th. Sunday afternoon Skaters Waltz and Mother North Star will be closed to preserve the snow for Tuesdays race and these trails will also be closed on Monday for grooming and course prep.

We do not salt or sand the trails, parking lot  or driveway so it doesn’t get slushy or wet like the streets.   Ski conditions rated good to excellent (thanks for your reports, we appreciate it!). All 64km of trail open with track set on 56km of trail and 15km groomed for skating. 4km of snowshoe trail open. Ice skating rink in good condition. We will be grooming again Saturday.

Compacted base on trail 2-6″. Snow depth in the woods 6-14″. Snowfall last  week around 7″. Total snowfall this season around 18″. Although this is a low snow year, we spend every dry day outside the winter season preparing the trails to be in the best condition possible so we can have good skiing on minimal snow and the newer grooming equipment does a nice job working with the snow to make for better skiing.

Click here for NWS forecast which seems to be the most accurate as of late.

Trail report photos from February 3rd on our Facebook page.