Trail Report

Seasonable fall weather, Has been a great week for trail work with dry conditions. Less than 1/10th inch of rain Friday. We had our first frost/freeze of the season Tuesday which is always gets us excited for the upcoming winter season. We are in a welcomed dry period after a five day rain event that saw over 3″ of rain. The recent rain bringing the forest floor to live with a wide variety of mushrooms that are always interesting to see. 

We have been busy clearing leaves and forest matter off the trails now that most of the maple leaves have fallen to the ground. We hit our peak of fall color this year a bit earlier, around September 20th, but the oak, poplar and basswood trees are coming to life with autumn scenes. We will continue clearing trail right up until the ground freezes and first snow accumulates! We try to have as many trails completely cleared and cut low so we can groom and ski on minimal snow. 

The mountain bike trails are open for ridingClick here for latest update. Maplelag trails are closed to all motorized use and closed to horse traffic. We continue with trail tuning as we constantly work on the 64km of ski trails for upcoming ski season and maintain 25 miles of mountain bike trail.

Beautiful morning for fall grooming, October 12th, 2023.
Local HS MTB Team “NW Wolves” on the trails Tuesday evening, October 10th, 2023.
Heavy frost on the low areas, October 10th, 2023.
Frost scene at Twin Lakes area, October 10th, 2023.
Fall scene on the shores of Island Lake, October 10th, 2023.
Monday morning scene on Little Sugarbush, October 9th, 2023.
Pockets of fall color remain in the woods, October 7th, 2023.
October skies over Twin Lakes crossing, October 7th, 2023.
Wild mushrooms on Twin Lakes ski trail, October 7th, 2023.
Puffball mushrom, October 7th, 2023.
“Popcorn” shower moving through, October 5th, 2023. After a wet week, drying out on Friday.
Mushrooms sprouting from a old stump, October 5th, 2023. Lots of wild mushrooms popping up everywhere after recent rain. 
After a wet start to the day, sunshine and clearing for the afternoon making for good trail work conditions, October 4th, 2023.
Leaf clearing on Skaters Waltz, October 3rd, 2023.
Sunset on the Goat Ranch rd, October 3rd, 2023. (B. Olson photo) 
Local high school mountain bike team enjoying the beautiful evening on the trails October 3rd, 2023.
October skies! Water levels up slightly after recent rain as seen in slough near Mother North Star trail, October 2nd, 2023.
Fall grooming on Twin Lakes ski trail, September 27th, 2023.
“Pete’s Porkie” ski trail and mountain bike segment, September 27th, 2023.
One of the many mushrooms popping up after the recent rain, September 27th, 2023.
Fall colors around Six Swedes cabin, September 23rd, 2023.
Wavy Gravy trail after clearing, September 26th, 2023.
Fall color scene, September 24th, 2023.
Wild rice on edge of Bullhead lake catching a few rays of sunshine, September 25th, 2023.
Fall color greeting at the end of the Maplelag driveway, September 23rd, 2023.
Afternoon hike on Mother Hen! September 23rd, 2023.
Twin Lakes ski trail, September 22nd, 2023.
Clearing leaves on Sap Run, September 22nd, 2023. With so many leaves, we will make multiple clearings on the key trails until the snow flies. It is much easier to groom and have early season skiing when the trails are completely cleared. 
Fall color scene at the trailhead, September 20th, 2023.
Fall color scene along the shores of Little Sugarbush, September 20th, 2023.
Fall color peaking on the maples near the cabooses, September 20th, 2023.
Swamp scene along Mother North Star trail, September 19th, 2023.
Beautiful evening for mountain bikers on the trail, September 19th, 2023.
Colorful scenes along the Maplelag driveway, September 18th, 2023.
Start of Sukkerbusk ski trail, September 18th, 2023.
Morning scene near the cabooses looking down the driveway, September 18th, 2023.
Maples near Lapland cabin vibrant with color, September 18th, 2023.
Fall color scene at the start of Sukkerbusk ski trail, September 1th, 2023
Mowing low area near end of Sap Run/sledding hill area, September 13th, 2023.
Calm evening on Little Sugarbush lake, September 12th, 2023.
Maplelag driveway, September 12th, 2023.