Trail Report

Beautiful fall weather in place. Cool mornings and pleasant days. The leaves are slowly starting to change with more color appearing every day. Conditions have been dry the past month. 

We continue to work on the trails clearing deadfall and mowing in the lower areas that still have grass growing good. This month we will begin clearing leaves off the trail and will continue right up until the ground freezes and first snow accumulates. We try to have as many trails completely cleared and cut low so we can ski on minimal snow. 

The mountain bike trails are open for ridingClick here for latest update. Maplelag trails are closed to all motorized use and horses. We continue with trail tuning as we constantly work on the 64km of ski trails for upcoming ski season and maintain 25 miles of mountain bike trail. 

Fall grooming, September 11th, 2023.
Spectacular Labor Day sunset over Little Sugarbush, September 4th, 2023.
First maple leaves falling to the forest floor after a much needed rain, September 4th, 2023.
Sunset scene Labory Day evening, September 4th, 2023.
The “super moon” shining over Little Sugarbush, August 30th, 2023.
Beautiful last summer morning….hints of Fall! August 26th, 2023.
Trail mowing at end of Sap Run and back bowl, August 24th, 2023.