Great morning of late season skiing. Hard freeze overnight setting up the grooming nicely. We have been grooming a 4km loop and skiing has been good considering the time of year. No other trails will be groomed with all the branches that came down with the wind and the time of the year. Total new snow this week around 10″.
With cooler temps skiing should be good on this loop Friday and Saturday mornings and possibly Sunday if not too much melting Saturday afternoon and it freezes down again Saturday night.
Skiing both directions makes for a nice loop and for this late in the year, special to have such nice conditions! The loop consists of east side of Skaters Waltz and Sukkerbusk. No bare spots, just a few low areas slushy, ski wide, all good.
There is no trail fee to ski the remainder of the season. Please park in parking lot near the lodge. Far parking lot is soft and muddy!
With this weeks grooming in April, this is the 6th consecutive calendar month we have groomed this season. First grooming was back on November 13th, 2021.
Season total of snowfall is at 113″ and close to the record snowfall in a season at Maplelag. Considering the dry summer and fall, the precipitation will bring the water tables back up to normal when the snow all melts and the frost goes out.