Ski Trail Report

A great day on the trails and good seeing folks out. We had a 3km loop open and groomed after snow this week was groomed into the existing crusty base.

Snow falling Saturday evening and we plan to be out in the morning rolling and packing any new snow. Focus will be on the inner trails, setting track on Sukkerbusk if conditions warrant. Plan is to work on the outer trails Sunday evening and Monday.

The 3km loop starts near the freight house near the lodge and includes three segments consisting of Sukkerbusk and Skaters Waltz. Follow the groomed segments using the soccer field trail to access the loop. Suicide Hill is also groomed out. The end of return of Sap Run and Skinny Field are used as connectors to access the segments. The base is hard and bumpy but the surface has some good texture. Watch for icy areas when walking in the parking lot!

Snow tonight and tomorrow. We are always ready to pack and groom any new snow!

Snowfall past 24 hours: 1″

Snowfall to date: 9″

Compacted base on trail 0-2″

Fat bike trails open (Click here on trail report).

Lodging for the winter season operations will begin the December 17th weekend. There is no lodging available for winter operations before. Day and season passes can be purchased here.

NO services in the lodge at this time. Park in far parking lot where recycling and porta potties are located.

Saturday skiers back out for another ski, December 4th, 2021.
Jonell out for a ski at dusk, December 4th, 2021.
Sukkerbusk late afternoon, December 3rd, 2021. Nice “early season skiing” after all the grooming and new snow!
Sukkerbusk, December 3rd, 2021. Despite the thin base the skiing is good on the segments we have groomed the past 24 hours.
Groomer dinged a few areas when mixing all the snow types together but easily avoided mostly grass, December 3rd, 2021.
Skinny Field December 3rd, 2021. Use as connector to link the groomed segments.
Grooming through the soccer field which is access to the early season loop consisting of segments of Sukkerbusk and Skaters Waltz, December 3rd, 2021. No tracks set.
Another pass on Suicide Hill, December 3rd, 2021.
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Evening grooming after a dusting of new snow, December 2nd, 2021.
Afternoon grooming on Suicide Hill, December 2nd, 2021.
Sukkerbusk as part of the early season loop, December 2nd, 2021.
Section of Skaters Waltz part of the early season loop with good coverage, December 2nd, 2021.
Sukkerbusk, same area as photos below, December 2nd, 2021.
Sukkerbusk late afternoon (same location as below), December 1st, 2021.
Sukkerbusk mid morning, December 1st, 2021.