Incredible fall weather continuing into the first week of October. Much welcomed 1/2″ of rain on Friday. We hit our peak of fall color around September 24th but still enjoying some great autumn scenes. The poplar, oak and tamarack trees still on tap for a display of nature beauty as we enjoy one of our favorite times of year.
We are focused on having the ski trails in tip top shape going into the winter. We have been on the trails daily, weather permitting, with final mowing and clearing leaves etc. We will continue throughout the fall right up until the frost sets in and snow flies.
The mountain bike trails are open for riding. We will continue maintaining the trails, and will be open, weather permitting, until November 1st. The Maplelag trails are closed to horse travel and motorized vehicles.
Fall grooming on Sap Run trail, October 4th, 2021.Our wonderful trail volunteer, Denny, out for a hike on Skaters Waltz. Good to see Denny out after hip surgery the end of the summer. October 4th, 2021. Clearing out side of trail on “Kamikaze Hill” on Skaters Waltz, October 4th, 2021. There are select areas we clear along the side of the trail used for “snow farming”. On south facing slopes or other areas that need more snow on the trails, we have spots we can shovel from early season to build up the base. Fall color scene at end of Maplelag driveway, October 1st, 2021.Leaf clearing on Sukkerbusk trail, September 30th, 2021.Incredible fall scenes on the mountain bike trail, September 29th, 2021.Golden scene on Mother North Star ski trail, September 28th, 2021. Many leaves falling down today!South slough on Mother North Star, September 28th, 2021. Tamarack trees in the middle still a week or so from their autumn gold.Late afternoon sun highlighting maples near the Finnish Log cabin, September 27th, 2021.Sap Run ski trail after leaf clearing, September 27th, 2021. With the thick canopy of leaves at Maplelag, it will be a month long process to keep clear. Leaf clearing on Sukerbusk, September 27th, 2021. We will continue clearing leaves on all the trails throughout the fall. The main trails, such as Sukkebusk, we try to have completely free of leaves before the snow flies. Have a smooth and clear as possible deck allows us to be skiing on minimal snow. Fall color scene lakeside lodge, September 26th, 2021.View of Little Sugarbush Lake from the wood fired sauna, September 26th, 2021.These three maples have outperformed this year compared to other years which indicates, to us, the special fall color season it has been this year. September 26th, 2021.Sunrise kayak on Island lake near Wavy Gravy ski trail, September 26th, 2021.Late afternoon scene looking towards the lodge, September 26th, 2021.Switchyard at Maplelag, September 26th, 2021. Leaf clearing on the Maplelag trails is a non stop process from now until November, weather permitting. September 25th, 2021.Start of the ski trails to the south, September 25th, 2021.Twin Lakes ski trail, September 26th, 2021.Golden hour color on Sukkerbusk ski trail, September 23rd, 2021.Trail head, September 23rd, 2021.Tamarack trees in the slough surrounded by fall color, September 23rd, 2021. Along with the poplar trees standing tall, will change in October.Mother North Star ski trail, September 23rd, 2021.Switchyard scene September 22nd, 2021.Golden hour near the basketball court, September 22nd, 2021.Another incredible September evening, September 21st, 2021.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center