Trail Report

Beautiful start to the week with brilliant sunshine and mild temps. Much welcomed rain over the weekend with around 3″. The rain has brought the forest to life with vibrant colors of mushrooms and a few signs of fall colors.

It has been busy summer on the trails mowing, brushing and clearing windfall. We consistently work on the trails to have in best condition possible before the snow flies. Overall the trails are in great shape!

Wildflowers have been popping out nicely this spring and summer and really exploded when we had hot and warm conditions late May and early June. Many sights and sounds of nature. With the dry conditions, the bears have been knocking over dead stumps in search of grubs etc.! Eagles hatching in the eagles nest near the western trails. Bear sign on Twin Lakes and Bullhead area and many deer moving through the woods on the singletrack trails. Blue herons, Trumpeter Swans and pileated woodpeckers providing naturalistic sounds. This spring we also planted 100’s of trees and clearing on the trails as part of our regular forest management.

The mountain bike trails are open for riding. There are no services in the main lodge. Meal service and lodging closed at this time. The Maplelag trails are closed to horse travel and motorized vehicles.

Maplelag is enrolled in the fee based MN DNR Woodland Stewardship Program as part of conservation efforts and forest management. Please consider donating to our Maplelag Conservation Legacy program to help offset these increased costs. Thank you!

Beautiful afternoon walking on the JibFly ski trail, August 29th, 2021.
Recent rain bringing late season blooms to life, August 29th, 2021.
More mushrooms popping up on the forest floor thanks to recent rain, August 27th, 2021.
A few leaves changing color, August 25th, 2021. Typical this time of year and overall the trees are looking great despite the drier conditions. We anticipate another beautiful fall with our peak usually occurring the third week of September.
Ski trail segment on the Laddies Loppet mountain bike course, August 25th, 2021.
Recent rain making for great riding conditions and dirt work as we complete final tuning on the mountain bike course for Laddies Loppet mountain bike weekend, August 25th, 2021.
Champlain Park CC team at Maplelag this week for running camp, August 24th, 2021.
Warming up for the run! August 23rd, 2021.
Woodpecker action on dead maple, August 23rd, 2021.
Recent rain bringing the colorful moss, lichens and mushrooms to life, August 23rd, 2021.
Spider web along the bike singletrack, August 12th, 2021.
Another summer grooming on Suicide Hill, August 12th, 2021.
Wild flowers in the woods, August 12th, 2021.
Summer grooming on “Eagle View” return on Twin Lakes trail, August 9th, 2021.
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Summer grooming on North Loup trail, July 29th, 2021.
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Another beautiful summer sunset over Sugarbush, July 25th, 2021.
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Moon over Maplelag! July 23rd, 2021.
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Another fresh cutting/summer grooming on Suicide Hill, July 19th, 2021.
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Summer grooming on Mother North Star ski trail, July 18th, 2021.
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Sunset with a extra tinge of orange as a result of hazy skies from wildfire smoke in Canada, July 13th, 2021.
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Aspen leaf and snow moth! July 12th, 2021.
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Clearing deadfall on the trails, July 8th, 2021.
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Interesting finds inside the log! July 8th, 2021.