The trails are now closed for the season.
The snow/sleet that fell Thursday night made for nice skiing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Great late season conditions the end of March and start of April skiing on a corn snow base.
Thanks to everyone who helped make it a great season. The trails are closed until the frost goes out which looks to be 2-3 weeks. A good indicator is when the ice goes off the lake. As of April 5th, there was still 12-16″ of ice on the lake. The mountain bike trails will open when they dry up. Updates will be posted on the Bike report page.
Morning ski on Skaters Waltz enjoying last of the snow, April 5th, 2020.
Lake skiing, April 5th, 2020.
Saturday morning ski, April 4th, 2020.
Roll packing on Skaters Waltz, April 3rd, 2020.
Nice section of skiing on Skaters Waltz, April 3rd, 2020.
Skiable segment on Skaters Waltz providing late season skiing, April 2nd, 2020.
Swath of ice/corn snow base on Skaters Waltz, April 2nd, 2020.
No foolin’, April grooming on Skaters Waltz, April 1st, 2020. Second consecutive year of seven consecutive calendar months of grooming.
Good coverage for nice late season skiing on north facing segments on Skater extension loops, March 31st, 2020.
Beautiful mid mid morning family ski, March 30th, 2020.
“Bjorg’s Stump”, Rootin Tootin trail, March 30th, 2020.
Gliding down “Bente’s Bump”, March 30th, 2020.
Fantastic spring skiing on Skaters Waltz late morning, March 30th, 2020.
Early afternoon skate ski on Skaters Waltz, March 29th, 2020.
Early evening grooming on Skaters Waltz, March 29th, 2020.
Renovating and setting new track on Rootin Tootin early evening, March 29th, 2020.
Family ski on North Loup, March 28th, 2020.
Striding Sukkerbusk, March 28th, 2020.
Heading down on hill on North Loup, March, 28th, 2020.
Early evening grooming on Skaters Waltz, March 27th, 2002. Fast and icy like in the morning than softening and getting slower in afternoon. Should be ideal between 9:30-11:30am.
Grooming Skaters Waltz, March 27th, 2020. Still good coverage on 95% of the trail. Watch for one bare spot on Kamikaze Hill.
Setting new track on Sap Run, early evening, March 27th, 2020. Most likely the last track setting of the season. Couple small bare spots in the first 100 meters. Tracks will freeze down and be icy in am, than softening as day passes.
North Loup mid morning, March 26th, 2020. North Loup in great condition for both skate and classic. Fast in morning if freezing, softening as day passes.
Skaters Waltz, mid morning March 26th, 2020.
Roy’s Run, March 26th, 2020. Still
Family spring ski on JibFly, March 26th, 2020.
Great morning of crust skiing, March 26th, 2020.
Afternoon ski on Mother North Star trail enjoying spring corn snow skiing, March 24th, 2020.
Twin Lakes ski trail late morning, March 23rd, 2020. Track skied in after fresh snow on Sunday.
Sukkerbusk ski trail late morning, March 23rd, 2020.
Skaters Waltz, March 23rd 2020.
Mother North Star with Sunday’s snow on top, March 23rd, 2020.
Morning ski on Bullhead lake trail, March 23rd, 2020.
Grooming and setting new track on Sukkerbusk, March 22nd, 2020.
Grooming on Skaters Waltz, March 22nd, 2020.
Fresh snow scene on Lucky’s Loype, March 22nd, 2020.
Having fun on the fast tracks on North Loup! March 20th, 2020.
North Loup good condition for skate and classic, March 20th, 2020.
Striding on North Loup, March 20th, 2020
Setting new track on Sukkebusk, March 19th, 2020.
Afternoon ski on Mother North Star, March 19th, 2020. Thin dusting of transformed snow on top of well defined tracks…great skiing!
Grooming skate lane on Skaters Waltz, March 19th, 2020.
Suicide Hill groomed multiple times today, March 19th, 2020.
Shoveling snow on Kamikaze Hill on Skaters Waltz, March 19th, 2020. Only major thin area. If you are not comfortable skiing down without snowplowing, please ski up the hill (clockwise)
Nice skiing Wednesday morning on north end of Bullhead lake trail, March 18th, 2020.
Intersection of Sap Run and Mother North Star at dusk, March 17th, 2020.
Great skating on Skaters Waltz late afternoon, March 17th, 2020.
Striding on Mother North Star at dusk, March 16th, 2020. Dusting of new snow on top of well defined and rock solid tracks.
Checking on the fresh groomed skate deck, March 16th, 2020.
Carving turns in the fresh dusting of snow, Suicide Hill March 16th, 2020.
Pressing new track on Sap Run, March 16th, 2020. Other tracks have dusting of snow on top and will not be reset until Wednesday.
Renovating/combing on Skaters Waltz, March 16th, 2020. Both Skaters Waltz and North Loup groomed today. As temps fall, deck should set up nice. If skied on, might be ruts on south facing. Just Ski.
Sunday skaters! March 15th, 2020.
Sunset ski on Mother North Star, March 14th, 2020.
Skaters Waltz, March 14th, 2020.
Crust skiing on the edge of Little Sugarbush Lake, March 13th, 2020. Fun skiing on the lakes with a perfect crust.
Transition from Twin Lakes to Island lake ski trail. Lots of fun options for late season skiing! March 13th, 2020.
Setting new track on Mother North Star, March 12th, 2020.
Grooming on Skaters Waltz, March 12th, 2020.
Nice skiing on JibFly late afternoon, March 12th, 2020.
Sukkerbusk, March 11th, 2020. Tracks holding out great!
Skate grooming on Single Green, March 11th, 2020.
Great crust skiing on area lakes, March 10th, 2020.
Crust skiing, March 10th, 2020. Some of our favorite conditions of the year!!
North Loup skiing fast the past few days and Wednesday morning, should soften this afternoon. March 11th, 2020. Track holding out good. Recommended trail to ski for both skate and classic end of season.
Doug enjoying the fast spring conditions on Skaters Waltz, March 9th, 2020.
Fast frozen corn snow on Sap Run! March 9th, 2020.
Start of Twin Lakes trail, March 9th, 2020. Tracks on Twin Lakes and North Loup (groomed Friday and Saturday) not as defined as last nights track grooming but still enough definition for good spring skiing when it warms up again during the transition periods.
Setting new track on JibFly, March 8th, 2020.
Night ski! March 8th, 2020.
North Loup morning March 7th, 2020. Great skate and classic skiing in the morning.
Nice skiing on Twin Lakes Friday morning, March 6th, 2020.
Lots of tracks on top of the snowpack, March 6th, 2020.
Setting new track on North Loup at dusk, March 6th, 2020. Skate lane also freshly groomed.
Grooming skate lane on Skaters Waltz, March 6th, 2020.
Setting track on JibFly, March 5th, 2020.
New snow on top of tracks on Mother North Star trail, March 5th, 2020.
Grooming Skaters Waltz, March 5th, 2020.
Checking the tracks on Sap Run, March 5th, 2020.
Moon rising over the trees, once which occupied by a porcupine! March 5th, 2020.
Setting new track on Twin Lakes, March 5th, 2020.
Sunset skate ski, March 5th, 2020.
Sunset ski on Sap Run, March 4th, 2020.
Sunset ski off Sukkerbusk, March 4th, 2020.
Skater Lane on North Loup, classic track on side skier packed after most recent tracksetting and new snow. March 4th, 2020.
Skaters Waltz, March 4th, 2020. Nice skate skiing in the morning when the snow still cold and dry.
Lots of deer moving on and off the trails, March 4th, 2020.
Grooming under the moonlight on Suicide Hill, March 3rd, 2020.
Fresh snow falling in front of the lodge, Tuesday March 3rd, 2020.
Resetting tracks on Sukkerbusk, mixing new snow with old transformed snow deep in the base. March 3rd, 2020.
Terry and Denny enjoying the fresh snow. Just ski. March 3rd, 2020.
Skaters Waltz extension, March 3rd, 2020. We will be grooming on Skaters Waltz and North Loup skate lanes for another few weeks but no longer be grooming on Skaters Extension. Nevertheless, there is still some good skiing to be had on extension with proper timing etc.
Grooming Kamikaze hill on Skaters Waltz, March 3d, 2020.
Sukkerbusk ski trail before grooming. March 3rd, 2020. Trails not freshly groomed will have new snow on top, will be slower skiing when temps warm up and sun comes back out.
Suicide Hill, March 3rd, 2020. Will be groomed in the evening.
Afternoon ski on JibFly, a recent light dusting of snow making for very nice skiing. March 2nd, 2020.
Heading down first hill on Sap Run, March 2nd, 2020.
Skate trail heading out to Skaters Waltz via the soccer field. Skate trails are level and smooth. Bit harder to get edge in mornings but overall great late season skiing. March 2nd, 2020.
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A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center