Trail Report

We woke up to 2″ of fresh snow and light snow falling most of the day accumulating to a couple of inches. Total new snow since “the storm” started is around one foot. The winds were not noticeable at all and about as good as it gets in the woods with pleasant temps and fresh snow. We packed and combed most of the trails and also set tracks on about 30km of trail. We will smooth out the three trails for skating, Skaters Waltz, North Loup and Skaters Extension and set new tracks on the trails we tracked today, Sap Run, Mother Hen, Sukkerbusk, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star, Twin Lakes and Wavy Gravy. We will also set a track on Island Lake and Roy’s Run. We have been packing Bullhead trail but need a cold night to freeze down the top water on the lake crossings. We are able to groom across the ice no problem so the trail is open but can’t take grooming equipment across until it freezes. We had no rain at Maplelag and the snow is dry and dense. It is not crusty or icy. Conditions are excellent. A bit soft with so much new snow at once and a bit bumpy from early season conditions but otherwise about as good as it gets!!!