Spring conditions. Monday was textbook. Depending on desired conditions, great skiing. Faster skiing in the morning before softening up in the afternoon than glazing over at dusk again. Grooming on select trails, mostly the more used trails at this time. Reports from skiers good to excellent. All the trails have been groomed 1-3 times last week (outside of the AMA segments) working in new snow that fell earlier in the week and tracks are holding out great for the most part, all things considered the recent warm weather. The base is deep, over 12″ in some spots and plenty of snow for good skiing.
Just under 3″ of new snow Tuesday morning that fell right after grooming and before the start of the Section races. Made for a fun day of racing. Great job to all the skiers and congrats to those going on to state.. Photos and results from Sections.
Total new snow the past 7 days around 3″. We have a deep base of snow on the trails and woods ranging from 8-18″. All the trails groomed the past 4-5 days. New snowfall since January 1st around 23″. Total snowfall on the season now at 57″.
All the inner trails and Twin Lakes double tracked. Roy’s Run, Island Lake, Wavy Gravy, Bootleg extension and segments of Lucky’s Loype single tracked. Skaters Waltz, the extension of Skaters, North Loup and Suicide Hill groomed for skating. (15km) There is also a track on the side of the skate lane on North Loup.
We have been grooming the Twin Lakes singletrack for Fat Biking. Thanks Ben Olson for taking on this role and volunteering his time! Latest trail report.
Cutting new track on Sukkerbusk during the transition time at dusk. Soft snow to work with, bringing up drier snow in the process as it cools down again. February 13th, 2017.Renovating on Skaters Waltz at dusk, February 13th, 2017.Denny Bary, Ben and Jake Olson hitting up Skaters Waltz at dusk. February 13th, 2017. Thanks Denny and Ben for all your help on the trails this year!Sap Run at dusk, tracks glazing over. February 13th, 2017.Renovating and cutting new track on Twin Lakes Sunday morning, February 12th, 2017.Renovating skaters waltz Sunday morning, February 12th, 2017.Fast tracks, fast skiing! The left track was fast, right track slower after grooming. February 12th, 2017.Roy’s Run. February 12th, 2017.North end, Bullhead lake trail. February 12th, 2017. Non groomed segment at start better than expected skiing Sunday.Skaters on the ice rink! February 12th, 2017.The ice has been holding out fine through the mild weather. Please stay off in afternoons if warming above 32.Fat biking on twin lakes singletrack, February 12th, 2017. Great conditions. Best to ride in the morning when firm. Please ride in the morning during warmer temps to preserve the trail conditions.
Fresh track cut on Twin Lakes crossing, part of Wavy Gravy and Island Lake trails. February 3rd, 2017.End of Twin Lakes trailIsland Lake trail, February 3rd, 2017.Snow elasticity off the freight house! February 3rd, 2017.Frost flowers forming on small flowage off Roy’s Run
Lots of deer travleing on the trails with the deep snow in the woods. February 3rd, 2017. Be on the lookout in the woods, especially on trails like Roy’s Run and Island Lake trails.JibFly after fresh tracks set. January 31st, 2017.Sukkerbusk, January 31st, 2017.Twin Lakes grooming.
Sukkerbusk.Suicide Hill after fresh grooming, January 31st, 2017.Skaters Waltz extension after fresh grooming, January 31st, 2017.Skaters Waltz after fresh grooming. January 31st, 2017.
Sap Run with light dusting of flurries on top. Track are rock hard solid! January 27th, 2017.Skaters Waltz after fresh grooming. We have been grooming Skaters Waltz daily, keeping the top inch tilled and loose. Fast but enough loose for good edging and control. January 27th, 2017.Lucky’s Loype hard and icylike. Use caution if skiing the singletrack classic trails.Twin Lakes trail skiers! January 27th, 2017.Crust cruising on Bullhead lake trail. Lot of fun crust skiing in the woods, lakes, and meadows.Multiple passes required to erase and set new tracks on Sukkerbusk. New tracks setting up hard again after cold temps.