Mountain bike course is open. Dry/hardpack surface conditions. It’s been a solid month of trail work and the trails are rolling very nice. We will continue trail work this week as we prepare for the Laddies Loppet mountain bike race over Labor Day weekend. Trail tuning this week on Moorhead, Bjorps and touch up on Bullhead Bootleg and North Loup Gnar. Dry weather looks to continue and should be a great weekend of riding!
Last week we blew and brushed out most of the Twin Lakes singletrack loop and also the “Fargo” segment on the inner loop. We will continue working on select segments keeping conditions as best as possible up until race weekend.
The entire 25 mile “LagChilada” course was cleared and blown out this spring and we do our best to clear any new deadfall as soon as possible. Always be aware for changing conditions and assume all responsibility riding. The Maplelag course is generally described as a classic or natural trail which is rideable shortly after any rain events as the rain is absorbed and drains off naturally.
All the key intersections are taped and signs are at singletrack segments. The singletrack segments are signed by name and courses are generally marked for the Minnesota Mountain Bike Series with Citizen, Sport, Comp and Expert. Any singletrack that is not marked where it crosses ski trail, continue straight on the singletrack. Reference our map or TrailForks or Strava for guidance.
The Lagchilada challenge is in place which is a ride consisting of the entire mountain bike trail system. It is marked with both black signs and pink signs. Use the Strava app or guidance.
A good intermediate loop to ride is the Sport Loop and Bullhead Bootleg to the east. A good beginner loop to ride is the Citizen loop as well as the loops “Feeling Lucky” and “Sukkerwest”. North Loup Gnar on the north side is a slow tech skills trail.
Like this winter, trail users are welcome to use the Brant cabin for a changing area and there are also bathrooms. Please note we are remodeling in this cabin but the bathrooms are open. Season passes available on our gift shop page.