Mountain Bike Trail Report

We had great week of working on the mountain bike trails before snow moved in Thursday afternoon and continued through Friday morning. We had around 5 mile of singletrack open and rideable. Riding on hold for now until the snow melts off completely and we can clear the deadfall etc. Shouldn’t be more than a week or so until we have select trails open again. We checked out the trails on Sunday we had open earlier in the week and the snow had melted off on the majority of trail by Sunday afternoon.

The new snow will melt off quick with the ground being warm and mostly frost free soil.

Check back for updates on future trail opening! 

Checking out the trail, April 23rd, 2023. Won’t be long until trail is open again.
Bente’s Bump singletrack, April 23rd, 2023. Just a short segment holding snow.
Branches coming down with heavy snow, April 21st, 2023.
Dry and rideable! North Loup Gnar, April 20th, 2023.
Clearing on starter loop singletrack, April 15th, 2023.