Fat Bike trails are open. Entire 25km FatLagChilada groomed Friday. New snow helping level the deck and filling in the low spots. Bit soft in middle in some areas but overall nice early season riding. Base is firm below and new snow might be a bit “greasy” with the high humidity….just ride!
The FatLagChilada loop consists of Skaters Waltz starting to the right, the main singletrack loops Bullhead Bootleg, Twin Lakes and Sukkerwest. We also have groomed select segments in between to make the “FatLagChilada” loop. The above loops can be ridden separately. To access the inner loops, go to the start of Skaters Waltz and veer right. There are signs from that point and at key intersections where to turn to make the full loop. Please only ride on the designated areas for fat biking.
Bullhead lake is frozen for access across the lake. There is around 5-6″ of ice and folks have been riding across the lake. If not comfortable crossing the lake, use the normal access by taking Goat Ranch road to county 34 than access from highway. Otherwise use Skaters Waltz to access Bullhead lake following the signs. Assume all risk.
The Maplelag driveway is a good feeder to access Sukkerwest, Bjorps across from Sukkerwest which leads into North Star and crosses the road again to Twin Lakes.
With the hardpack conditions on the ski trails, the skate loops Skaters Waltz, the extension loops and North Loup are open for riding making for around 30km of groomed riding options.