Fat Bike Trail Report

The entire “FatLagChilada” course has been groomed with some segments being groomed a second time. Bootleg and inner segments riding very nice, bit firmer than Twin Lakes. Warmer temps this afternoon foreacasted, please ride before noon to preserve the deck of the trail.

Early season conditions, the deck will be a bit soft but after rider traffic and subsequent grooming, should start to firm up. Great to have the snow and a awesome start to the season!

Signs marking the route for the inner loops are in place and ultimately direct the course for the “FatLagChilada”. Twin lakes and SukkerWest singletrack can be accessed from the driveway. To access the start to access Bootleg, head to the start of Skaters Waltz to the right. We have groomed on the far right side of Suicide Hill for uphill travel. Access to Bootleg has been groomed on the lake. Use trails at own risk and assume all responsibility.

Bootleg singletrack, December 11th, 2021.
Crossing Bullhead lake, December 12th, 2021. Watch for frozen slush on each end.
Checking out the recently groomed Bootleg singletrack, December 8th, 2021.
Bootleg singletrack, December 8th, 2021.
Snowy segment on Bootleg singletrack, December 8th, 2021.
Return on Bullhead lake, December 8th, 2021.
Groomed path on side of Suicide Hill, December 8th, 2021. Please stay to side on the path.
Bridge grooming on the Bootleg loop, December 7th, 2021. All the key bridged were widened this summer!
Bootleg loop grooming, December 7th, 2021.
Sunset over Bullhead lake, December 7th, 2021.