Trail Report

Summerlike weather this week on the trails. The warm temps and rains last week have it looking more like early June. Riding has been excellent on the bike course. Groups of riders hitting the trail almost daily. More leaves and underbrush are out but all part of the change of seasons and different feel of riding throughout the year. The few trees down will be cleared on Wednesday.

The trails are open for mountain biking, hiking and trail running throughout the Spring and Summer. The trails are closed to horses and motorized use. There is no charge to use the trails and there are no services in the main lodge at this time. The mtb course starts near the Great Northern Cabin and is marked for beginners to advanced riders. Follow the white signs with black arrows. The singletrack sections are labeled easier or more difficult/advanced. The advanced loop is around 7 miles, taking 50min to 1.25 hrs to complete.
Photos from Tuesday late afternoon riding.