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Moosejaw 2009
Moosejaw 2009: Clogging and Old Time Music Weekend
Once again the Wild Goose Chase Cloggers will be hosting MooseJaw. This
will be the 14th year of this popular dance and folk music weekend at Maplelag and the 26th running of Moosejaw, featuring
Appalachian Clogging, as well as instruction in Square, Contra, and Couples
Dancing . “Old Tyme” musicians provide live music for toe tapping excitement.
There are workshops to teach the basics to beginners as well as advanced
classes for the more experienced dancer. Then, try out your newly acquired
skills at the dances on both Friday and Saturday nights, with guest bands
playing until the wee hours of the morning. And, if you still have the
energy, you may sit in on one of the jam sessions or just listen to tunes
played by fiddlers and banjo pickers who never seem to sleep; drinking
coffee and eating cookies from Maplelag’s bottomless cookie jars while
watching the sunrise with bleary eyes and a satisfied soul.
Bring your dancing shoes, cross-country skis, instruments and lots of
enthusiasm. Plan to make new friends, reconnect with old ones, dance all
night and just plain have fun! For more information visit
Merit Care Christmas Party
Darby Wedding Weekend
High School Nordic Ski Camp
This is the second high school Nordic ski team camp at Maplelag that will run Saturday to Monday. The camps featuring ski racing, clinics, ski games and a great time for teambuilding. In the evening, clinic team member leaders conduct wax clinics and answer questions about training and nutrition. Contact Jay for more information about this event.