Category Archives: News

Items for the News Archive — usually front page items go here, especially once no longer on front page

Trumpeter Swans on Bullhead Lake

Trumpeter swans on the edge of Bullhead lake.

Bullhead Lake has been home to groups of trumpeter swans throughout the Summer and Fall with as many as 20 swans on the lake at one time. The trumpeter swan was introduced in the Tamarac Wildlife Refuge (6 miles east of Maplelag) in 1987 and has been a major success story, considering only 70 swans existed worldwide in 1932, with a healthy population in this area.  Swans often land on Little Sugarbush, the lake Maplelag is next to, and are a treat to watch and listen to.  

Scrapbooking 2008

Maplelag is an ideal place for scrapbooking.  With the resort staff handling all the meals and cleanup, participants can focus all their time on their projects. Of course, don’t forget the opportunity to explore the Maplelag grounds, visit the Spa including massage therapy and shop in our gift shop. For more information on participating, please feel free to contact us and we wil put you in touch with the appropriate individuals.

Posters on Parade

Over the past five years, we have had three original Maplelag posters done by Fergus Falls artist, Charlie Beck. They have been absolutely fantastic and each one captures a different aspect of Maplelag. We are thrilled that he was willing to depart from his usual art forms to create these for us. And we have our fingers crossed that the muse will alight again and he can do a fourth for us.

Charlie is the wonderful artist who’s woodcut prints we have been showcased in the dining room of our lodge. We are honored that he has asked Maplelag to serve as gallery for his work. The prints certainly help to recreate the mood and feeling of the former Maplelag dining room. We also share an interest in duck and fish decoys and Charlie carves wonderful, sculptural shore birds and loons.

Many of you have asked where you can see and/or purchase his prints and decoys. Just give Joyce or Charlie a call at their home in Fergus Falls, MN, where his studio is located. Maybe you can catch them on your way to or from Maplelag or you can make an appointment. Charles and Joyce Beck, 529 Guttenberg Heights, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, (218) 736-3957.