Lag Happenings

Well, some how the last “article” that I wrote never made it to the website. Obviously, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote but, that does not include any more grandchildren! Both families are standing firm with four boys each. Let me just say that when I see all eight boys together I am glad that we have food delivered to the lodge by a semi! It’s still hard to believe that having had only two children we now have eight grandchildren..

Jay and Jonell and their boys seemed to have gone from working with us to having Jim and I working with them! (Well, actually I had best just speak for myself. Jim seems as busy as ever!) I can’t begin to list all the responsibilities that they have assumed but I know that it means that Jim and I are free to travel a bit more.

Last spring we were able to have an incredible experience when we visited our friend, Gustavo, and his family in Argentina. (Gustavo is the assistant dean at the Concordia Spanish Language Village which we host during the summer.) We first spent ten days in Buenos Aires at a Bed and Breakfast and then eight days in Cordoba, staying with Gustavo’s parents in their home. They own a tourist hotel so we have a lot in common. Our Spanish is minimal but having wine with most meals and Rita and I sharing an Italian heritage and talking with our hands and all of us laughing alot we managed quite well. Gustavo and his wife, Marsha, and their daughter, Paloma, joined us for most meals. I now at last have an “adopted” granddaughter! It was nice to split our time doing “touristy” things in B.A. and then spending time in a smaller town with such a warm and generous family.

Our daughter, Debbie, and her family are still living in the “Ice Box of the Nation”, International Falls, MN. Dan has his own law firm but they are considering relocating to another area in Minnesota. Debbie is a “stay home mom” who frequently can be found loading her boys into the van. Church, 4-H (of which she is the club activity coordinator), Awana, preschool, football, dance, hockey, etc., etc.! She also manages to find time to substitute teach and her latest passion is writing. She has recorded some of her essays and hopes to find a newspaper for which she could write a column. She is in the process of having a website created so watch for a link on our website.

During various weekends this fall there was a lot of creative energy with a Creative Memories scrapbooking retreat in the large conference room as well as various other groups here to enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. Biking, canoeing, hiking on the trails or just walking down the driveway and coming back for a massage and a soak in the hot tub seems a delightful way to spend the weekend.

Jim and I are returning soon for the London Film Festival so I will give you a report on that when we return.

As ever,